What type of service are
you looking for?
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You are one step closer
to the honey.

Let’s start completing the form so we can get you the best talent.

Your email address
Company name
Your website
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We don’t have the honey at the moment! (Other flow)

We are currently curating our beehive, adn don’t have a resource that fits this criteria yet. Please complete this form so we can get in touvh with you once we add the skill you need.

Your email address
Company name
Your website
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Help us know the size of the jar your business needs: (design flow)

Please give us a high overview of what you're looking for and how our team can help. Make sure you share important details such as audience, design system, tone, and voice of your brand that our designers should follow.

Explain your end goal with the project. Explain your end goal with the project. Please share any stimuli from your industry or other industries you want to take inspiration from.

Please give us an overview of the functionality of this project. Be as specific as possible. Include media, project type, image size, number of pages, the purpose of the project, or where users will be coming to and/or where users will be coming to and from.

Explain the value this will bring to your business: It helps our team know your brand a bit more and plan. You can add minor or major pains you might have and what you want to solve.

Please provide the content that will accompany the design. That includes any copy, call to action and/or relevant information.

Drop your files below

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Accepts png, jpeg, pdf
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Help us know the size of the jar your business needs: (copy flow)

Please give us a high overview of what you're looking for and how our team can help. Include type of content, total pages, word count, and content intent in this project. Share your brand personality, tone, and voice that our content creators should follow.

Explain your end goal with the project. Please share any stimuli from your industry or other industries you want to take inspiration from.

Please give us an overview of what this copy will do. Include the number of pages, characters, and medium type. Think about Facebook posts, Facebook ads, blog posts, web content, where users will be coming to and from, and/or the project's purpose

Explain the value this will bring to your business: It helps our team know your brand a bit more and plan. You can add minor or major pains you might have and what you want to solve.

Please provide any mock-ups or wireframes, or design work that will accompany the copy and/or any relevant information.

Drop your files below

Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf
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We’re almost there! Tell us these project details: (Copy flow)

What would your definition of done be? Share what you expect at the end of this project, and select relevant tags below

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Illustrations & Photography
We’re almost there! Tell us these project details: (Design flow)

What would your definition of done be? Share what you expect at the end of this project, and select relevant tags below.

4 / 6
Illustrations & Photography
We'll match you the perfect freelance for this project.

Expect to receive an email in the following 24 hours.

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