Find fractional creative professionals in 24 hours or less

Connect with top-notch freelancers while you focus on high-impact work

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Verified Experts
Mid & Senior Creatives

Finding the right talent can be challenging

Why scroll and search when you can match with the professional creative talent you need in no time?Connect you with hand-picked fractional creative professional that suit your project needs. Wait, “fractional what”? A fractional creative is a skilled and seasoned professional that will accomplish your projects in a more strategic and specialized manner. We make the ease the hiring process for freelancers.

Learn why we started Buzzzy
Hiring freelancers is a problem
Easy To-Do Steps

Our process is faster & simpler


Submit your project 📝

Go to our form and provide all the necessary details, including project objectives, insights, deadline, talent needed, references, and budget.


We find a match  🤝

Here's where the magic of turning nectar into honey happens! Our smart algorithm uses your inputs to match you with the expert fractional creative.


Pay and get started ✨

Once we connect you, start your project by confirming your payment. Manage tasks and communication directly from our platform.

Work With Us

What is your need?

We are here to help, our freelancers are willing to work as if they are part of your team! We are committed to simplify the process to complete your goals. Allow yourself to find your talent, hustle-free.

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What our clients are saying

"Working with Buzzzy was a great experience. I liked that they were very knowledgeable in the space and took great interest in learning the needs of my project and figuring out a way to make it work with my budget."

- Jaime Arias, CEO Patients4you

"I like the idea of ​​"concierge". Solopreneurs like myself are interested in maximizing time and building income production systems that are as passive as possible. In that sense, having Buzzzy take care of my needs is a plus."

- Rubén Ramírez, Founder Self-Made Designer

Ready to start your project?

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